Cosmetic Surgery CaliforniaCosmetic Surgery Focuses On Aesthetic Enhancements

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Cosmetic Surgery CaliforniaCosmetic Surgery Focuses On Aesthetic Enhancements

While plastic and reconstructive surgery is based on medical needs, cosmetic procedures are elective.

Choosing the right surgeon is essential for a positive surgical experience. It is important to consider your surgeon’s education, training, and certifications.

Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) may be a good option for you if excess skin is creating puffiness or bags around the eyes.This (213) 451-6824 is a simple surgical procedure that can create dramatic results.

Eyelid Surgery

Surgical eyelid lifts (blepharoplasty) are cosmetic procedures that remove loose and excess skin and tighten sagging muscles. They also can be performed as part of a browlift, facelift or other surgical procedure.An eyelid Eyelid Surgery Los Angeles lift may also be used to correct ptosis, a condition where the eyelid droops and blocks the field of vision. In these cases, health insurance companies will usually cover the procedure.

During an eyelid surgery, your surgeon will make an incision hidden within a natural fold of the upper eyelid or along the lower lash line. With the transconjunctival approach to lower lid blepharoplasty, your surgeon will use an incision inside the lower eyelid so that there is no visible scar. Oftentimes, under-eye puffiness is caused by excess fat that can be removed through this incision. The final result is a more alert and youthful appearance. After surgery, patients should apply cold packs and keep their head elevated to control swelling and bruising.


Blepharoplasty (blef-uh-plas-tee) is a surgical procedure to reduce excess skin around the eyes. It can be performed for either functional or cosmetic purposes.Functionally, blepharoplasty removes sagging eyelid skin and restores peripheral vision United States of America obscured by excess tissue. Cosmetically, blepharoplasty removes the puffy lower eyelid “bags” and smoothes the surrounding muscle and skin for a younger appearance.

As we age, our eyelids stretch and the muscles that support them weaken. This can result in droopy eyelids that make you look tired or aged beyond your years. In severe cases, sagging eyebrows and eyelids can even obstruct your vision, especially peripheral vision.

Blepharoplasty is a relatively simple, quick and effective treatment that can be used alone or combined with other facial plastic surgery procedures such as a facelift or brow lift to achieve comprehensive rejuvenation of the area surrounding the eyes. It is popular among celebrities who use it to maintain their youthful good looks well into retirement.

Non-Surgical Eyelid Procedures

If you aren’t ready for a surgical eyelid lift or don’t have the time to 90013 recover from surgery, non-surgical alternatives like dermal fillers can help restore natural volume to the Los Angeles brow and upper/lower eyelid areas. This allows the normal light-reflectance patterns to be restored and can often help make the eyes look more alert and refreshed.

This procedure is performed under local anesthesia or sedation and can be done on either the upper eyelid or lower eyelid. Incisions are made in the natural crease and excess skin is removed or repositioned as desired.Fat deposits can also be removed or repositioned to help California tighten muscles in the area. The incisions are then closed using fine sutures.

After the procedure, patients are typically asked to keep their heads elevated as much as possible for a few days to help resolve swelling and bruising. The use of lubricating drops or ointment can be helpful and oral pain medication may be prescribed if needed. Strenuous activity and contact lens wear should be avoided until after healing is complete.

Contact Us

To ensure your safety during and after your cosmetic surgery, you need a doctor with the right experience. Make sure you choose a plastic surgeon who is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS). This certification means that your physician has met rigorous educational and training requirements to earn this distinction.

A skilled cosmetic surgeon combines today’s innovative treatments with time-tested techniques to achieve the results you desire. Schedule a consultation with your chosen plastic surgeon to find out how they can help you look and feel your best.

During this meeting, your surgeon will ask you about your goals and listen carefully to your concerns. This can help them determine if they are the best surgeon for your procedure. In addition, a consultation will give you an idea of how long your surgical procedure may take. Then, you can plan accordingly. Lastly, be sure to bring your health insurance card and any advance directive or living will you may have in case of complications following your procedure